Unveiling the Devotional Significance of Areraj

Areraj is a well known name in East Champaran district of Bihar. Areraj is located 30 KM from Motihari, the headquarter of East Champaran district. Areraj is famous for old Someshwar Nath Temple, there is a small pond next to this Temple.
Transport services are available from Areraj Chowk. Frequent bus services are avilable for Motihari, Bettiah, Muzaffarpur, Patna.
Areraj had a population of 20,245 with males constituting 52% of the population and females 48% as per 2001 India census.Areraj has an average literacy rate of 45%, lower than the national average of 59.5%. Areraj comes under Govindganj Vidhan Sabha constituency. Telephone code (STD code) for Areraj is 06258.

Best time to visit Areraj is August (Srawan Mahina as per Hindi Calaendar).

In Srawan Mahina (August) Areraj is full of pilgrims, In this month people use to worship Lord Shiva.
Someshwar Nath Temple, Durga Mandir are highlight of Areraj.

Areraj Sub division mainly consists of 4 blocks, which are as follows -

  • Sangrampur
  • Harsidhi
  • Areraj
  • Paharpur

Schools in Areraj

There are various government and private education institutes. Few of them are:
  • Shri Someshwar Nath High School
  • shri Someshwar Nath College
  • Shri Someshwar Nath Sanskrit College
  • Shri Someshwar Nath ITI College

Someshwar Nath Mandir, Areraj

The Someshwarnath temple in Areraj, located 28 kilometers from the district headquarters, was established by King Som.

This is one of the most famous and historical temple of North Bihar. This temple is built on the banks of river Gandak. There are many mythological stories prevalent about this temple.

The history of Someshwarnath Mahadev Temple of Areraj is considered to be 2000 years old. According to old beliefs, King Som had established this temple. This temple was named "Someshwarnath" after his name. According to Shiv Purana, the Panchmukhi Shivalinga established here is Swayambhu, that is, this Shivalinga had appeared naturally.

Devotees not only from Bihar but also from Uttar Pradesh and Nepal come here for worship. After marriage in the surrounding areas, the bride and groom bow their heads here.

Some special things related to this temple:

  • According to Skanda Purana, this temple was founded by Moon.
  • The ancient name of this temple was Aranyaraj.
  • This temple is also called Someshwar Nath Manokamna Mahadev.
  • It is believed that the wishes of those who ask with a true heart are fulfilled here.
  • Lakhs of devotees visit this temple during the Shravani fair.
  • Even on the day of Mahashivratri, crowds of devotees gather here.
  • Mata Janaki also worshiped here.
  • It is also believed that this Panchmukhi Linga of Mahadev is self-manifested.